A downloadable game for Windows

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"Ascendium" is a 2D platformer set in a dystopian cyberpunk world. Players navigate through dark and oppressive cityscapes filled with neon-lit alleys and towering skyscrapers. As they control their character, they face an unforgiving challenge akin to "Jump King" – one wrong move sends them plummeting back to the beginning.

In "Ascendium" every jump counts, every ledge is precarious, and every failure means starting over. The game's atmosphere is suffused with a sense of tension and frustration, mirroring the oppressive society it portrays. As players progress, they uncover the secrets of this cybernetic labyrinth while facing increasingly difficult platforming challenges.

With its retro-futuristic aesthetic, pulsating soundtrack, and relentless gameplay, "Ascendium" offers players a thrilling and maddening experience where perseverance is key, and success comes only to those who can master the art of precision platforming in a world that's determined to see them fail.


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Ascendium.zip 43 MB


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le jeu a l’air cool, je le retiens pour plus tard, continue comme ça 👍